Recurring Payments: Creating scheduled payments


Recurring payments allow merchants to be able to tokenise card details for customers in order to use these later for a follow-up payment. Depending on the MID details a merchant has, the process of tokenising card details and using these for recurring payments can vary. For further awareness, tokenisation is the process of securely saving card details from a customer. 

If you are unsure as to whether you are allowed to perform recurring payments from your merchant account, contact your acquirer for further information. 


Recurring Payments: MID Setup

It is the acquirer that will need to confirm if a merchant obtains both an ECOM MID, MOTO MID or both. Depending on the setup of the MID(s) from the acquirer, the process for setting up a recurring payment will vary for merchants. 

Once you have confirmed the MIDs you currently have from your acquirer, see the table below to understand the flow you will be using when setting up recurring payments for customers. After you have captured details for your default flow, you can review the next sections that will detail how to use your flow in order to set up recurring payments.


MIDs Enabled Default Flow Description
ECOM & MOTO  If a customer has been provided with an ECOM and MOTO MID, the default flow will be MOTO.  The process for tokenising a card and setting up recurring will be: Register card and take payment.
MOTO Only If a customer has been provided with only a MOTO MID, the default flow will be MOTO.  The process for tokenising a card and setting up recurring will be: Register card and take payment.
ECOM Only If a customer has been provided with only an ECOM MID, the default flow will be ECOM.  The process for tokenising a card and setting up recurring will be: Registration by link and pay by link.


MOTO Flow: Creating a Recurring Payment

The default flow for a merchant with an ECOM and MOTO MID or a MOTO only MID to tokenise cards and set up recurring payments is listed in the steps below. The tutorial below will provide you with a full understanding of these steps and how to set up your first recurring payment. In the slides below, the following steps will be covered:

  1. Adding a new customer
  2. Locating and reviewing a client record
  3. Registering a payment card
  4. Creating a schedule




ECOM Flow: Creating a Recurring Payment

If a merchant only has an ECOM MID, the flow will be slightly different from the MOTO flow to tokenising and setting up recurring payments for a customer. The only step that will change is Part 3: Registering a Payment Card. Follow the steps below to help you get started: