Recurring Payments: Introduction & Getting Started


Welcome to the recurring payments foundation guide. This guide will help you to understand the basics of recurring payments within the Total Control 2 platform. Additionally, the sections below will give you further insights regarding the functionality of Total Control 2 recurring payments, so that you can start setting up customer payment schedules immediately. 


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Recurring Payments & MIDs Explained

Merchants are designated with MIDs (Merchant IDs) in order to start taking payments. Depending on the type of MID setup the acquirer has provided to a merchant, will change the actions needed to set up schedules and take payments for clients. 

It is the acquirer that will need to confirm if a merchant obtains both an ECOM MID, MOTO MID or both depending on the setup of the MID(s) from the acquirer. Once you have confirmed the MIDs you currently have, see the table below to understand the flow you will be using when setting up recurring payments and taking one off payments from client records. If you are unsure of your current MID setup, reach out to your acquirer for additional information.


MIDs Enabled Default Flow
ECOM & MOTO  If a customer has been provided with an ECOM and MOTO MID, the default flow will be MOTO. 
MOTO Only If a customer has been provided with only a MOTO MID, the default flow will be MOTO. 
ECOM Only If a customer has been provided with only an ECOM MID, the default flow will be ECOM. 


MOTO & ECOM Recurring Payment Flows

  • Acquirers will set up different MIDs depending on the nature of the business. An ECOM MID is a merchant ID that has only been designated with the ability to take payments via 3D Security.

  • Acquirers will set up different MIDs depending on the nature of the business. A MOTO MID is a merchant ID that has been designated with the ability to take payments via non-3D Security.

  • Acquirers will set up different MIDs depending on the nature of the business. Merchants set up with a MOTO MID and ECOM MID are designated with the ability to take payments via non-3D Security and 3D-Security, depending on preference.

Additional Resources

Check out the links below to get started with setting up schedules for customers and taking manual payments under customer profiles. The resources below will provide full details relating to the MID flow you have been set up with by your acquirer.

Creating Scheduled Payments

Click here to get started with setting up your first customer payment schedule.

Scheduled Payments

Taking Manual Payments

Click here to learn the process of taking a manual payment from a client record.

Manual Payments