All Magento Guides

Magento Integration

Michael Engler
Michael Engler The chief of community conversations. Community manager Master (Platinum)

In this step-by-step guide, you will learn how to integrate Magento 2.4 and start accepting payments securely and efficiently. To get started, either scroll down or use the listing on the left to navigate to a specific area.

In this step-by-step guide, you will learn how to integrate Magento 2.4 and start accepting payments securely and efficiently. To get started, either scroll down or use the listing on the left to navigate to a specific area.

In this step-by-step guide, you will learn how to integrate Magento 2.4 and start accepting payments securely and efficiently. To get started, either scroll down or use the listing on the left to navigate to a specific area.

Technical Specifications

The following sections provide essential technical specifications for a successful Magento integration. Covering critical details concerning the application's software dependencies, its compatibility with various browsers, and the supported versions of key technologies such as PHP and Magento itself.

Composer Name


Current Version

Magento Module: 2.4

PHP: 8.1


Extensions, Payments & Security, Payment Integration


Total Processing





Stable build

Supported browsers

Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Edge, IE

Important Module Dependencies related to third-party cookies handling

In Feb 2021 Google Chrome and the other mainstream browsers have adopted a new a third-party cookies restriction policy and SameSite value is Lax by default. That prevents all iframe-based implementations to get or manage the session cookie, that way payments are not getting processed correctly. This module also depends on it and needs an additional extension installed until Adobe release v2.4.4 in which is supposed to have a way to control cookie policy OOTB.


is an experimental extension providing the necessary default cookie policy adjustments. At the time of the release of this document there are two tags available for the different Magento versions - 2.4.2 is supported by all Magento 2.2.x and 2.3.x versions until 2.3.6-p1. Magento versions 2.3.6-p1 and above, including 2.4.x need Veriteworks_CookieFix tag 3.0.1 which is adding an option in admin to specify default SameSite policy. You need to install the version compatible with your Magento instance together with this extension.

MDN SameSite Cookies

is an explanation of the work flow of the SameSite cookie property, which is defining requirements to the environment. TotalProcessing/Opp uses cookies with attributes SameSite=none; secure=true;. This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS) and cookies will be rejected because it has the SameSite attribute set to None or an invalid value, without the secure attribute. Secure property value is set based on the type of the connection (HTTPS/HTTP similarly the value is true/false). As result of the policies TotalProcessing/Opp module should work only on HTTPS connections.

Manual installation

This chapter provides detailed instructions for the manual installation of our Magento plugin. While manual installation offers comprehensive control, we highly recommend using the Composer Installation method for its simplicity and efficiency. The Composer method streamlines the installation process, ensures easy updates, and minimizes the likelihood of installation errors. For guidance on Composer Installation, please refer to our Packagist page and the official Magento documentation.

Obtain the Module Code Archive

Obtain the module code archive for Magento and extract it to a suitable location. Ensure you have the right version compatible with your Magento installation.

Preparing the Installation Environment

In the Magento root directory, create a new sub-folder named app/code/TotalProcessing/Opp. This will be the location where the module code will reside. Copy the contents of the extracted archive into this newly created folder. Ensure that the files such as composer.json, registration.php, and folders like Block, Controller, Model, etc., are directly within app/code/TotalProcessing/Opp.

Veriteworks/CookieFix Installation

Depending on your Magento version, check out the appropriate command suitable of Veriteworks/CookieFix below and include this into app/code/Veriteworks/CookieFix. Use the command suitable for your Magento version as described in the original steps.

Follow the Veriteworks/CookieFix README for additional configuration details and make sure it is compatible with your Magento version. .

For Magento versions below 2.3.6-p1

$ git clone --branch 2.4.2 app/code/Veriteworks/CookieFixns.

For Magento versions 2.3.6-p1 and above

$ git clone --branch 3.0.1 app/code/Veriteworks/CookieFix

Composer installation

For merchants integrating Total Processing as a payment gateway, Composer facilitates the seamless installation and updating of the necessary Magento modules. Before beginning the installation, ensure Composer is installed on your server, and consider backing up your Magento installation for safety. The following steps will guide you through the process of integrating the Total Processing module into your Magento store.

Open Command Line

Start by opening the command line interface on your system.

Next, navigate to Magento's root directory and execute the following commands:
composer require total-processing/magento-plugin --no-update
composer update total-processing/magento-plugin

Enabling the module

Enable the module and complete the setup with these Magento CLI commands:
php bin/magento module:enable TotalProcessing_Opp --clear-static-content
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento cache:flush

Configuring the module

After installing both modules, proceed to the Magento admin panel. Configuration options for Total Processing Limited are available under Stores Configuration Sales Payment Methods. Feel free to also follow our guidance in the next section 'Configuration' to help you with understand all settings that are both mandatory and optional.

For additional information, refer to the official Magento documentation.

Configuration part 1 - System settings & brands

Now that you have installed Magento, you can now enable the Total Processing extension in order to start taking payments. Go to your Magento admin portal, then to 'Stores' > 'Configuration' > 'Sales' > 'Payment Methods' > 'Other Payment Methods' > 'Total Processing Limited'. This area is composed of several section dropdowns. Use the tabs below starting left to right to go through each section with ease. When you're finished, continue to part 2.

  • Base configuration settings for Magento

    Get started with integrating the Total Processing extension. Feel free to use the dropdowns to find out what happens depending on your settings choices!


    Toggle to enable or disable Total Processing Limited as a payment option for your store.


    Text Input

    The name of the Total Processing Limited payment method as it will appear to customers during checkout. Leave as "Use system value" to use the default title or enter a custom title (store view) if desired.


    Specifies whether the payment gateway should use a test (sandbox) or production (live) environment for processing transactions. Use "Select an option" and review the table below to identify the information needed based on your choice.

  • Country configuration settings for Magento

    Get started with choosing which countries to accept payments from. Additionally, use the dropdowns to find out what happens depending on your settings choices!

    Setting    Value Description
    Payment from applicable countries

    Select "Specific Countries" to limit payments to selected countries.

  • Brand configuration settings for Magento

    Get started with your choices for which payment brands to accept payments from. Add Apple Pay to the listing as well, if required. Additionally, use the dropdowns to find out what happens depending on your settings choices.

    Setting    Value Description
    Allowed brands

    Specify which payment card brands are allowed for checkout.

Configuration part 2 - Apple Pay & advanced settings

To continue with your configuration, go to your Magento admin portal, then to 'Stores' > 'Configuration' > 'Sales' > 'Payment Methods' > 'Other Payment Methods' > 'Total Processing Limited'. This area is composed with section drop-downs. Use the tabs below starting left to right to go through each section with ease. If you have any issues, please reach out for further support!

  • Setting    Description
    Vault enabled

    Enable payment information storage using the vault.

    Payment action

    Select the payment action for orders.

    (Please note: 'Authorise' and 'Authorise and capture' are currently not available.)

    Merchant Transaction ID Type

    Select the type of merchant transaction ID to use.

    Default locale

    Select the default locale for the store.

    Enable debug logging

    Enable debug logging to record additional information for troubleshooting.

  • Setting    Value Description

    If enabled, Apple Pay will be available for customers. If disabled, Apple Pay will not be available.


    Text field

    The title of what Apple Pay shows at the checkout.

    Payment action

    Select the payment action for orders.

    (Please note: 'Authorise' and 'Authorise and capture' are currently not available.)

    Allowed brands

    Select the payment card brands that are allowed for checkout.


    Select the environment to use for Apple Pay.

    Merchant ID Domain Association

    Text field

    Merchants need to enter their Merchant ID domain registration number here for Apple Pay.

    Domain names

    Text field

    Merchants need to enter their Merchant domain name here for Apple Pay.

    Display name

    Text field

    Merchants need to enter their display name here for Apple Pay.


    Text field

    Merchants need to enter their Apple Pay API URL here for Apple Pay.

    Register URL

    Text field

    Merchants need to enter their registration URL here for Apple Pay.

    Display name

    Text field

    Merchants need to enter their display name here for Apple Pay.

    Shopper endpoint

    Text field

    Merchants need to enter their shopper endpoint here for Apple Pay.

    Merchant Identifier

    Merchants need to enter their Merchant Identifier here for Apple Pay.

    Note: Deselect "Use System Value" and click on the registration button to generate the value.

    Register merchant

    Register merchant for Apple Pay.

Configuration part 3 - Layout customisations

Now that you have configured Magento payments, you may want to customise the layout from its default values. If you'd like to adjust any of these, please use the table below to get started and get further information. Now that you have configured Magento payments, you may want to customise the layout from its default values. If you'd like to adjust any of these, please use the table below to get started and get further information.

Setting    Value Description
Payment button text

Choose the text to display on the payment button.

Iframe style

Choose the style of the payment form iframe.

Use system value is the default style.

To learn more about each style option, please visit style options.

Iframe style

Select the style of the payment form iframe. Visit the link below for further resources.

Iframe customisations

Custom iframe script

Select whether to use a custom script to inject into the payment form iframe. Visit the link below for more options.

Advanced options

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  • Comment author
    Michael Engler The chief of community conversations. Community manager Master (Platinum)



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