All Total Control Dashboard Guides

Payment Scheduler

Michael Engler
Michael Engler The chief of community conversations. Community manager Master (Platinum)
  • Updated

Scheduling Payments in Total Control

With Total Control 3, you can easily schedule payments for your clients. To get started, simply login to your current dashboard account and navigate to the scheduler.

Attention needed

For merchants utilising sandbox and live accounts, please ensure you set the environment to the applicable location prior to creating a schedule. This can be found in the navigation menu in your Total Control account.

Live Account

Client Creation & Scheduling

This chapter introduces the initial stages of adding new clients to your Total Control account and setting up their schedule(s). You'll be guided through creating a client profile, adding payment methods to their profile and setting up a client schedule.

Managing Clients & Schedules

A client's record consists of 'Registered Cards', 'Client Details' and 'Schedules & Payment History'. This chapter will help you to understand how you can make amendments to a client's schedule, add additional schedules and more within these areas.


This section provides an overview of the 'Client Details' area of a client's profile. By default, you will be shown the main personal details of a client, including their unique reference number. Note, the reference is also known as the 'Merchant Transaction ID'

Client Details listing

The 'Client Details' area provides merchants with many functionalities. See details of these below.

Client log:All activities by system users relating to a client's record.

Edit client details:Provides functionality to amend details of an existing client. It is recommended to not change the 'Reference' of the customer as this may cause inconsistencies in your reporting in the future.

Client notes:Notes relating to a client that can be included by system users.

SMS actions:Allows system users to create text messages to be sent to the client's number stored in their profile. Limit is 188 characters.

Guidance & Tutorials

Use the dropdown lists below for step-by-step guidance on different functionalities relating to the client details.

    1. Obtain new details

      To update a client's personal information, go to the 'Actions' tab in the 'Client Details' section and click on 'Edit Client Details'.

    2. Updating an existing payment method

      Review the fields below to understand what details can be updated on a client's record.

      Editable fields

      Name:First name (Name) and Surname of the client.

      Title (optional):The title associated with the customer.

      Reference:A unique reference for the client record. This will be associated with all transactions as the 'Merchant Transaction ID'. Not recommended to change.

      Date of birth:Client's date of birth.

      Phone number:Phone number customers will receive any text messages to and/or pay by link information.

      Email address:Email address associated with the client. This will be used for any pay by link emails sent to the client.

      Address:Details of the client's full billing address.

      Non-editable fields

      Client's time zone:Time zone of the client's current address.

      Merchant:The merchant account associated with the customer record. Applicable for merchants with multiple merchant accounts.

    1. Initiating an SMS message

      To send an SMS to a client, first, go to the 'Actions' tab in the 'Client Details' section and click on 'SMS Actions'.

    2. Phone number review

      Check the phone number of the client in the 'Mobile' field. If incorrect, update this by editing the client's details in 'Edit Client Details'.

    3. Create a message

      Type the information of the message you would like to send to the customer and click 'Send'. Please note, the max character count per message is 88 characters.

    1. Locating 'Notes'

      To create a note for a client, first go to the 'Actions' tab in the 'Client Details' section and click on 'Open Client Notes'.

    2. Using Tags

      Go to the 'Tags' dropdown and choose the applicable tag for the note. For clients with multiple notes, tags can help to quickly locate specific information.

    3. Create a note

      In the 'Add New Note' field, type in the note you'd like to add to the record. Additionally, once created, the note will appear in the note listing. Hover over the note and click 'Pin Note' so it will always show at the top of the listing of notes.

  • Overview

    Please note, the actions below can only be performed by a system user with high level access. This includes deleting, disabling and reactivating clients.

    1. Deleting a client

      To delete a client, first go to the 'Actions' tab in the client's 'Client Details' section and click on 'Delete Client'.

      Note:This action will terminate all existing schedules and delete this client from the clients table. The client can be undeleted but the schedules will not be recreated.

    2. Disabling a client

      To delete a client, go to the 'Client' dashboard. Locate the customer and hover over the listed item.

      Click on the blocker icon to disable the record. This will ensure it cannot be accessed and will appear as greyed out.

    3. Re-enabling the client

      To revert a disabling and make the client active again, simply hover over the listed record and click the refresh icon to make the client active again.


This section provides an overview of the 'Registered Cards' area of a client's profile. By default, payment methods that have an 'Active' status are displayed first. While most functionality has been covered in 'Client Creation & Scheduling' section above, there are a few key areas to expand on.

Important:Blocked cards are auto-set by Total Processing. If you believe a card's blocked status is incorrectly set, please reach out to

Card Status

To see reports related to your scheduled payments for clients, navigate to 'Reporting' within the navigation menu and choose the associated report you need to retrieve. Details of these reports can be found below.

Active Cards:Cards ready for use in the client's schedule will be listed under 'Active' cards.

Archived Cards:Cards no longer in use are moved to 'Archived' status and listed accordingly.

Blocked Cards: Cards showing fraudulent activity or outdated expiry are listed under 'Blocked' cards.

Guidance & Tutorials

Use the dropdown lists below to efficiently manage your client's payment methods. Whether you need to add a new card, update an existing one or archive a card no longer in use, these step-by-step guides will assist you in each process.

    1. Adding a new payment method
      To add a new payment method, assuming there is one card active under the client's record, register the card as you did initially.
      E-commerce merchants (ECOM)

      Send the link to the customer, do not enter an initial payment or attach a new schedule, and wait for the client to confirm.

      Telephone order merchants (MOTO)

      Click 'Register Card Manually' and enter the new card details.

    2. Updating an existing payment method
      To update an existing payment method, go to 'Schedule Summary', click 'Edit Schedule' and select a new card from the dropdown of 'Active' cards.
    1. Initiating the archive process
      To archive a card, go to 'Registered Cards' in the client's profile, hover over the card and click 'Archive'.
    2. Understanding the archival impact
      Once archived, the card moves to the 'Archived' list and cannot be used for active schedules unless reactivated.
    3. Confirming the card's archived status
      Verify the card's archived status in the 'Archived' card listing.


This section provides an overview of the existing schedules that are associated with a client's record. This area is comprised of a schedule summary and payment history. Get a summary below of these sections. At any point, feel free to refer to the Schedules Glossary if you need expanded information on what each column in a table means.

Important:Payment history does not include the ability to click on a transaction to obtain it's details.

Schedules & Payments

SchedulesThis section lists all schedules associated to the client page being viewed. Additionally, from here you will also have the option to 'Edit Schedule' to swap to another payment card to use.

Payment HistoryThis section provides a breakdown of all payments and their associated classification for the client.

Guidance & Tutorials

Use the dropdown lists below to efficiently manage your client's payment methods. Whether you need to add a new card, update an existing one or archive a card no longer in use, these step-by-step guides will assist you in each process.

    1. Adding a new payment method
      To add a new payment method, assuming there is one card active under the client's record, register the card as you did initially.
      E-commerce merchants (ECOM)

      Send the link to the customer, do not enter an initial payment or attach a new schedule, and wait for the client to confirm.

      Telephone order merchants (MOTO)

      Click 'Register Card Manually' and enter the new card details.

    2. Updating an existing payment method
      To update an existing payment method, go to 'Schedule Summary', click 'Edit Schedule' and select a new card from the dropdown of 'Active' cards.
    1. Initiating the archive process
      To archive a card, go to 'Registered cards' in the client's profile, hover over the card and click 'Archive'.
    2. Understanding the archival impact
      Once archived, the card moves to the 'Archived' list and cannot be used for active schedules unless reactivated.
    3. Confirming the card's archived status
      Verify the card's archived status in the 'Archived' card listing.

Transaction information

This chapter outlines details of client transactions, including useful information for locating and reporting on transaction information as well as understanding how a scheduled transaction is processed.

To access detailed transaction information for a client, visit their profile and check the 'Payments' tab in the scheduler section. You can also find more information in the 'transactions' tab, using the filter: 'Merchant Transaction ID' and including the client's 'Reference Number'.

Registrations (RG)

A registration is the process of tokenising (or storing) a payment card's details to the Total Processing payment gateway. This storing allows the card to be used for future payments without the need to run a 3D authentication.

Scheduled Payment (DB - SD)

An SD payment is related to a payment that is taken as part of a client's scheduled payments.

Refunds (RF)

An RF is a payment type whereby money has been refunded back to the customer.

Transaction Summary

Provides an overview of the transaction. Please note that a registration will always be set with a amount of 0.00 as it is a payment type only to store the card details.

Transaction History

Provides an overview of any payments processed that are associated with a particular payment.

Payload Information

The payload information is useful for understanding in-depth information about a transaction. For example, full details of a card that has been stored, billing address and result code. For further reading on the result codes, please refer to the 'Result Codes Reference'.

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