This step-by-step guide will assist you in integrating WooCommerce Subscriptions into existing WooCommerce platform. For any additional guidance & support, please reach out to the Total Processing Support Team.
Below are the essential technical specifications for a successfully incorporating WooCommerce Subscription-based products into your platform, including information on software dependencies, compatibility with various browsers, and supported versions of WordPress.
This chapter offers guidance on integrating subscriptions functionality with your existing WooCommerce plugin.
Plugin Review
Log into your WooCommerce Admin account and go to 'Plugins' and ensure you have the Total Processing plugin 'Total Processing Card Payments Gateway for WooCommerce' and it is active. This is required in order to link to the 'WooCommerce Subscriptions' extension.
Download & Setup
To download the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin, go to your Wordpress dashboard and go to 'Extensions'.
Search or browse for the Subscriptions extension. Once located, you will be able to get purchase and install the extension. Once installed, it will appear within your WooCommerce dashboard, under the 'WooCommerce' navigation menu. By default, the 'Total Processing Card Payments & Gateway for WooCommerce' plugin will automatically link to WooCommerce Subscriptions, once installed. prior to incorporating subscription-based payments.
subscription-based product setup
Once you have finished installating the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin, go to Products - All Products to add a recurring payment option to your existing product. You can also create an items from scratch. you can now start creating subscription-based products. Go to 'Products' and click 'Add New' to begin setting up a new subscription.
Tutorial: New Subscription-based product
To create a new subscription-based product, go to your 'Products' section and click 'Add New Product'. Name the product anything you want and fill in other information such as the description field.
Next, scroll down to the 'Product Data'. With your new WooCommerce Subscriptions extension installed, you will be able to choose 'Simple Subscription'. Choose this option.
Fill in the fields that make the most sense for your recurring payment plan for this item. Additionally, explore tutorial examples in our section :: for additional help! Ensure you publish the product to see it displayed at the customer's end.
Reviewing Subscription Transactions
To see all transactional information relating to your WooCommerce subscriptions, go to your primary navigation tab and click 'Subscriptions' within the 'WooCommerce' dropdown. You can find further details on subscription-based transactions by visiting the WooCommerce Subscriptions Store Manager Guide. Additionally, review the WooCommerce Subscriptions Order Handling to see how subscription-based orders are tracked during their transaction life-cycle.
Tutorials: Subscription-based product setup
This tutorial options below offer a series offer guidance for configuring subscription-based payments in WooCommerce within the product data of a new or existing product.
Product Data
Virtual & Downloadable Products
Virtual products are those that are not shipped and intangible. Downloadable products are ones that give access to a downloadable file.
Subscription Price
Pricing for products
Here, you can choose the billing price, intervals and periods for the product created.
0.50, every, month
Expire After
Subscription Expiry
Automatically expire the susbscirption after this length in time. This length is in addition to any free trial or amount of time provided before a syncrhonised first renewal date.
12 months
Sign-up Fee
Date of subscription fee
This is an optional field whereby you can include an amount to be charged at the outset of the subscription. The sign-up fee will be charged immediately, even if the product has a free trial or the payment dates are synched.
Free Trial
Time of a free trial
An optional period of time to wait before charging the first recurring payment. Any sign up fee will still be charged at the outset of the subscription. The trial period can not exceed: 90 days, 52 weeks, 24 months or 5 years.
30, days
Product Data
Virtual & Downloadable Products
Virtual products are those that are not shipped and intangible. Downloadable products are ones that give access to a downloadable file.
Subscription Price
Pricing for products
Here, you can choose the billing price, intervals and periods for the product created.
2.00, every, month
Expire After
Subscription Expiry
Automatically expire the susbscirption after this length in time. This length is in addition to any free trial or amount of time provided before a syncrhonised first renewal date.
4 months
Sign-up Fee
Date of subscription fee
This is an optional field whereby you can include an amount to be charged at the outset of the subscription. The sign-up fee will be charged immediately, even if the product has a free trial or the payment dates are synched.
Free Trial
Time of a free trial
An optional period of time to wait before charging the first recurring payment. Any sign up fee will still be charged at the outset of the subscription. The trial period can not exceed: 90 days, 52 weeks, 24 months or 5 years.
0, days
Product Data
Virtual & Downloadable Products
Virtual products are those that are not shipped and intangible. Downloadable products are ones that give access to a downloadable file.
Subscription Price
Pricing for products
Here, you can choose the billing price, intervals and periods for the product created.
0.01, every, day
Expire After
Subscription Expiry
Automatically expire the susbscirption after this length in time. This length is in addition to any free trial or amount of time provided before a syncrhonised first renewal date.
10 days
Sign-up Fee
Date of subscription fee
This is an optional field whereby you can include an amount to be charged at the outset of the subscription. The sign-up fee will be charged immediately, even if the product has a free trial or the payment dates are synched.
Free Trial
Time of a free trial
An optional period of time to wait before charging the first recurring payment. Any sign up fee will still be charged at the outset of the subscription. The trial period can not exceed: 90 days, 52 weeks, 24 months or 5 years.
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