This document describes the ways to run an effective negative testing before rolling out any integration in your shop.
Payment methods
Payment Method |
Supported |
Comment |
CC (Credit Cards) DC (Debit Cards) |
Payment Types
Payment Type |
Supported |
Supported in:
Integration workflows
How you simulate a decline code response?
Card holder can be used to simulate a decline code via OPP REST API. There are three options which are as follows:
- Via OPP Server-to-server by sending card.holder={return_code} in the request
- Via OPP COPYandPAY by filling Card holder with {return_code} in the payment widget
- Via OPP Virtual Terminal by filling Card holder {return_code} in the payment widget
- {return_code} can be one of the decline codes listed here
- {return_code} cannot be a success or a pending return code (that is, should not start with 000)
How do you trace a negative testing?
- Every negative testing transaction goes from the merchant to a dedicated acquirer simulator via ACI Secure eCommerce (end-to-end).
- Every negative testing transaction is visible in BIP (Business Intelligence Platform) with all card data, customer information, and logs.
- Rejection codes can be found here:
- Successful or pending return codes starting with "000.bbb.ccc" cannot be negative tested.
- Negative testing is available only in Stage (UAT) environment via OPP REST API. You cannot force or simulate error conditions in the production (live) environment.