All Total Control Dashboard Guides


Michael Engler
Michael Engler The chief of community conversations. Community manager Master (Platinum)
  • Updated

Introduction to Transactions

Reviewing transactions just became a lot less complicated. With the Total Control Transactions Dashboard, you can obtain all of the information relating to transactions, make quick and easy refunds and reversals and download your transaction reports for any additional analysis.

The Transactions Dashboard contains all of your e-terminal and pay by link transactions you have taken. From the dashboard, you can perform a wide range of tasks, including:

  1. Filtering transactions
  2. Downloading reports
  3. Refunding a transaction
  4. Capturing and reversing a transaction


Locating and Filtering Transactions

Watch the video below for knowledge on how to locate a specific transaction in your Total Control Transactions Dashboard. When you're done, Click 'Next' to go to 'Downloading Reports'.

Downloading Reports

Reports can easily be obtained from the Transactions Dashboard for merchant analysis. To download a report, simply click on the 'Download Reports' icon and click 'CSV' (see image below). When you're done, Click 'Next' to go to 'Refunding A Transaction'.


Refunding A Transaction

Refunds are very important in order to keep your customers satisfied. To complete a full or partial refund, watch the video below.

Similar to refunds, reversals can also be performed for transactions. Reversals are refunds that are taken against a pre-authorisation transaction. Click 'Next' to continue to the next section: 'Capturing & Reversing A Transaction'. If you are still having issues with any details from the previous sections, feel free to contact and a member of the team will be in touch to help.

Capturing & Reversing A Transaction

Capturing payments and reversing payments are part of the payment method for performing pre-authorisations and captures. Where a capture is not automatically performed after a pre-authorisation, you can manually perform this action by clicking on a pre-authorisation transaction (Payment Type: PA) and clicking the 'Actions' tab. From here, go to the 'Capture' field, enter the value you want to capture against the pre-authorisation and click 'Make a Capture'. See the image below for further details. 


Alternatively, to reverse a pre-authorisation - whereby the money that is in holding is reversed back to the customer's account - can be perfromed by entering a value into the 'Reversal' field and clicking 'Make a Reversal'. If you are still having issues with any information from the these sections, feel free to contact and a member of the team will be in touch to help.


Reviewing Transactional Data

Transaction details show you a high level overview of a specific transaction, including the associated result code and description. The next sections will provide you with a full understanding of transactional data, including:

  • Transaction details
  • Transaction history
  • Transaction payload

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